Health Note: At last weekend Masses, I had some difficulty due to allergy symptoms. Sunday afternoon I developed a 102 deg. temperature. The temp. came down over the next couple days, but I still decided to have tests done. I tested negative for COVID-19, cold, and flus. I had an ear infection. After meds are done in a couple days, I should be doing well. I did not have daily Masses until First Friday. I also missed Memorial Day activities. Sorry!
Priest Retreat: It’s my standard practice as it was Fr. Kopel’s to attend our diocese June Priest Retreat. I plan on being gone to the Abbey of the Hills June 13-17, 2022.
Pentecost Sunday Mission of Christ, the Church and Our Parishes YFF: On this Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the birthday of the Church. Upon receiving Jesus’ promised gift of the Holy Spirit, the Church immediately proclaimed the Good News of salvation to all the nations represented in Jerusalem at the Jewish feast of Pentecost. Jesus continued His Mission from the Right Hand of God the Father by sending the “power of God” to his disciples as he promised. This equipped them to do their part in Jesus’ Mission without hesitation. We in our parish and our Pastoral Council’s in particular, need to discern the direction we are being called to do our part in our parish assigned regions.
The first year of our Youth Faith Formation Parish Missions in both of our parishes demonstrated a great start in implementing Bishop DeGrood’s vision for our diocese “Lifelong Catholic Missionary Discipleship through God’s Love.” Fr. Scott Traynor gave our catechists in St. Pius X Parish confimation that we had a great start in implementing Bishop DeGrood’s vision and encouraged us to continue on.
In Sacred Heart Parish we capped off our YFF Parish Mission year wonderfully with Summer YFF and Youth Nights this past week. Thank you to Neva & Olivia Mikkelsen and Reagan Brown for their leadership and all other volunteers with the support of the Altar Society and Knights of Columbus. We are hoping that Youth Nights may be an added feature to our YFF Parish Mission this fall. Are there any adults who may be interested in either parish to help with youth group type activities periodically?
In St. Pius X Parish we had review meetings and a parents survey to decide next year’s schedule, catechist assignments, and improvements. We settled on grades 1-4 & 6 meeting Wednesdays 5-6:15 pm. Grades 7-9 meeting 5:00 - 6:15 pm and Confirmation grades 10-12 meeting 6:30-8:00 pm. Grade 5 catechists and parents will continue to discuss their options. The next YFF year will be August 24, 2022 - May 3, 2023.