CFSA 3/6/22

CFSA 3/6/22



A brief introductory explanation may be helpful to some parishioners regarding the annual Catholic Family Sharing Appeal. This is Bishop DeGrood’s direct annual appeal to parishioners throughout the Diocese of Sioux Falls to support the local Church of eastern South Dakota in its direct ministry of serving the people of eastern SD and in supporting our parishes in its operations and administrative responsibilities.

The information mailed out to our parishes and the appeal letters mailed directly to our parishioners has been delayed. One of the main concerns of our parishes is the CFSA Parish Share or goal determined each year for each of our parishes that needs to be paid in full by the end of the calendar year. The total pledge response from the parishioners goes towards their respective parish goal. If their contributions fall short of the goal, then the parish pays the remainder out of its resources. If it goes over the goal, the remainder stays in the parish.

If the diocese falls short of its budget, then they may do direct phone call appeals to parishioners who have not responded with a pledge. If a parishioner can only offer prayers for the diocese, that is an appeal response.

The method for setting each parish’s goal is complicated, necessarily, so that it takes into account many varying factors among the many parishes of our diocese using the most recent parish fiscal year reports to the diocese. It was approved by the Diocesan Presbyteral Council (a council of representative priests) and put into place in 1995. The worksheet used for determining the goal for a particular parish is provided to parish priest. In turn, I provide them to the Parish Councils. Basically, the individual parish’s ordinary income and deductions as a percentage of the totals for all parishes is given two-thirds weight and the individual parish’s number of households as a percentage of the total for all parishes is given one-third weight. For more information go to

The final 2022 CFSA Parish Share for Sacred Heart Parish of Potter County is $32,200.00. It was $30,000 in 2021. The final 2022 CFSA Parish Share for St. Pius X Parish of Sully County is $15,600. It was $14,000 in 2021. (Special collections and national collections are not included.)

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Published on  August 29th, 2023

© 2025 - Sacred Heart Parish