Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

In thanksgiving, we wish all mothers a blessed and happy day. We also pray for our deceased mothers. We remember and give thanks for our spiritual mothers - Holy Mother Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church as well as Holy Mother Church! People who have a personal relationship with the Blessed Mother are blessed themselves! Consider praying for this gift and foster it with Maria devotions.

Are we going to have the River Mass? Of course, this has been a concern of many people since I arrived. I took my time to listen to various concerns. I plan on always having the 6:30 p.m. Saturday evening Sunday Vigil Mass available in Sacred Heart Church as a parish Mass. Since the Catholic Church requires weekend Mass attendance, I believe every parish priest should provide one Saturday evening Sunday Vigil option as consistently as possible in a parish church. The River Mass is a Mass of convenience and accommodation for people of various parishes in that area which is larger than many towns during the summer. This Mass was originally at 8:15 p.m. I would like to go back to that and try it. The timing might be tight at times, but it should generally work and the wind should go down by then. I will provide as much notification that I can if there has to be a time change or cancellation. One possibility is when there is a substitute priest. It will be up to that priest as to whether they can do it. We will start Memorial Weekend, Saturday evening, May 28 th at 8:15 p.m. The ending date is generally the beginning of August. The specific date is to be determined.

The Catholic Home Missions Appeal is an annual collection to benefit Catholic dioceses in the United States that cannot afford their annual needs. It is normally taken at the end of April. I have giving envelopes available in our church pews and gathering spaces. Please use them the next couple weeks and place your contribution in the regular Sunday collections. Thank you.

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Published on  August 29th, 2023

© 2025 - Sacred Heart Parish