This Fourth Sunday of Advent Cycle C has us looking forward to Christmas in a very distinctively Pro-Life way. It is the Visitation Joyful Mystery of the Most Holy Rosary. The Blessed Virgin Mary went in haste to the hill country to help her elderly cousin Elizabeth in her last three months of pregnancy with John the Baptist. The Gospel proclamation (Luke 1:39-45) gives us the account. The infant in the womb of Elizabeth, John the Baptist, leaped when he sensed the presence of Jesus as an unborn human baby in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Both mother’s recognized this as confirmations of the Real Presence of Jesus as brought into Elizabeth’s presence by Jesus’ Mother Mary. We can pray that we too receive a grace of confirmation in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Tabernacle which, like a womb, contains Jesus as the Blessed Sacrament. This will help us to look forward to celebrating Christmas, Christ really coming among us at Mass, because, by first coming among humanity as a human, Jesus offers his human flesh and blood for us to eat in the Eucharist for our salvation to this day until the end of time at Mass in memory of Him!