A Pre-Baptism meeting is required prior to the Baptism of the first child.  It need not be repeated unless more than 5 years has alapsed since the last family baptism.

Baptisms may be done at a Weekend Mass or at a time outside of Mass. Baptisms outside of Mass often take place on Saturday afternoon before Mass or Sunday afternoon after Mass.  Contact the Pastor to arrange for Baptisms.

Preparation for First Penance is done in conjunction with preparation for First Communion.  Both start after the Christmas School Break.  A First Penance Service is done with the children prior to making their First Holy Communion.

Couples are reminded that Diocesan Policy required that they begin marriage preparation 6 months prior to a wedding date.  A date can NOT be set until this preparation has formally begun. Preparation involves 3 steps: 1-group preparation, 2-specific couple preparation and 3-marriage paperwork and ceremony planning.  Any wedding which involves a previous marriage by one or both parties usually require additional time. See 'Marriage Guidelines' for full details. Contact the pastor well in advance of any planned wedding date.

Confirmation preparation is done every-other-year with High School Juniors and Seniors.  The preparation includes: Sunday Mass attendance, classes on the Catholic Faith, service hours for church, community and family and attendance at a retreat or day of reflection.  Full details can be found here.

Preparation for First Communion is held after the Christmas School Break.  Second Grade and older students are asked to attend a Parent/Student meeting to recieve the instructional materials that are completed by the parents with their child at home.  These materials are individually reviewed in an interview with the pastor prior to the child's First Comunion. A parish group First Communion Mass is held in early May.

Anointing of the Sick
The Annointing of the Sick is available to all members who face serious or on-going illness, before or after surgery, during chemotherapy, etc. This prayer of the Church for healing of body, mind and spirit can be given privately (at home or in the hospital) or publicly (at a Sunday or daily Mass).  Contact the parish office.

Holy Orders
Pray for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA
RCIA is a process by which an individual who is of no Faith or of another Faith 'joins' the Catholic Church. It involves a process which includes: 1-discernment if the Catholic Faith is right for you, 2-instructions in the Catholic Faith (catechesis), 3-a public declaration of a desire to become Catholic (Rite of Election), 4-reception of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) or, for those already baptized, a Profession of Faith, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil, and 5-on going growth in the Catholic Faith.


At Sacred Heart we normally begin the RCIA process by inviting those interested in RCIA to a short meeting. At this meeting we arrange the time and day of week we will hold instructional classes (10 in all) in the Catholic Faith.  These can be attended either in person, via our Livestream video link which offers 'live chat' or view the session on-line at a later date. We try to finish these classes prior to Christmas.  During Lent we again meet with those interested in continuing on the path to becoming Catholics.  During this church season we have the Rite of Election -- a formal declaration by the candidate of their desire to enter into Full Communion with the Catholic Church.  The Easter Vigil is the setting for the Rites of Initiation for each candidate.  Either through Baptism or a Profession of Faith they begin their entrance journey, these are followed by the bestowing of the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Reception of Eucharist with the entire parish community.  Then, over time, through prayer, continued reading and study, receiving the Sacraments and participating in the life of the Church community, they grow more steadfast in their Catholic Faith.

If you are interested in exploring if RCIA is right for you contact the parish office.

Funeral Guidelines (click to dowload)

Facility Use Guidelines (click to download)

Published on  March 28th, 2023

© 2025 - Sacred Heart Parish