Liturgical Ministries


Sacred Heart Parish offers many opportunities for parishioners to assist with our weekend Liturgies, Funerals, Weddings, etc.


Altar Servers - Girls and Boys 4th Grade and older


Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers

Cantors and Musicians


Video Operators - for live-streaming of our services


The parish offers training for those who are new to a specific ministry.  Use the Contact Us email service under the HOME Menu to let us know your interest in helping with one or more of these Ministries.

Youth Faith Formation

The education of our children in the Catholic Faith is essential to having a viable and life-giving Religious presence in our families, parish, community and world. Sacred Heart Parish offers an exceptional Youth Faith Formation program for all parish children in grades 1-12. Newly reorganized and launched as part of our Evangelization and Discipleship mission, Youth Faith Formation runs throughout the academic year with classes in the afternoon and evening beginning in August on the Wednesday the first full week of school and going through mid-May when school concludes for the year.

Our Youth Faith Formation program relies on the generous offering of time and talent by parishioners to volunteer to be catechists and substitutes for our Youth Faith Formation classes.  To volunteer, contact Fr. Simon or our Youth Faith Formation Coordinator.​

Preparation for the Sacraments of First Communion, First Penance and Confirmation are unique and important times in the lives of young people, their families and the parish. Special preparation programs are held for each of these Sacraments and are under the direction of the Pastor. First Communion and First Penance Preparation programs are offered each year after the Christmas holiday break. Confirmation preparation is offered every-other-year. More information concerning our Youth Faith Formation Program is available here.



There are many elements required for good liturgy; a suitable environment, a good sound system, decent lighting, a solid faith-filled message, etc.  Engaging, spirit-lifting music and song is a central component of our prayer.  We greatly appreciate the talent and generous service of our musicians and cantors in leading our parish congregation in song at our liturgies. We invite and welcome all who would like to assist in this important ministry.  Contact our parish office.

Elders / Seniors


The Sacred Heart Altar Society through its Outreach Committee provides ongoing contact with the residents of the Oahe Manor Nursing Home by visitations, hosting Saturday BINGO in June and hosting a birthday party for residents in January.  The parish also has Mass at the Oahe Manor each Thursday at 4:00 pm.  The parish priest is part of a rotation of area churches that provides a weekly Sunday afternoon Ecumenical Service for the Oahe Manor residents. Each Sunday morning Eucharistic Ministers to the Home-bound take the Eucharist to parishioners that are unable to leave their homes to attend Mass.  The parish webcasts its Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses live so that the homebound, ill and others unable to attend Mass are able to participate in our weekly worship.

Community Service


Sacred Heart Parish endeavors to be involved in the life and activities of Gettysburg and Whitlock Bay community. During the summer months (June to mid-August) a special weekend Mass is offered on Saturday evenings at 7:30 PM at the Cronin cabin at West Whitlock Resort.  The Knights of Columbus work with the community and public school to assist children with special needs, host the Pass, Kick and Punt program, the annual Free Throw Contest  and provide operational support and meals for the participants in the school's annual Football Jamboree. Our Youth Faith Formation program participates in the Potter County Museum's Christmas Extravaganza. The parish also participates in the Homecoming parade and the Parade of Lights before Christmas.   

Published on  September 5th, 2021

© 2025 - Sacred Heart Parish